Blue Flower Earl Grey$5.58PriceA robust black whole leaf tea flavored with classic Bergamot and sprinkled with blue flowers to give it beauty. Strong enough to add milk.SizeSelectQuantityPrice OptionsOne-time purchase$5.58Monthly CupSubscribe and Save!$5.02every month until canceledSubscribe NowSteppingUse 1 tsp. leaf per 8 oz. cup. Pour boiling water over leaves. Steep 4-5 mins. Milk may be added.
Blue Flower Earl Grey$5.58PriceA robust black whole leaf tea flavored with classic Bergamot and sprinkled with blue flowers to give it beauty. Strong enough to add milk.SizeSelectQuantityPrice OptionsOne-time purchase$5.58Monthly CupSubscribe and Save!$5.02every month until canceledSubscribe Now